اول رسالة في حالة الاقفال بدون اي تعديلات فقط في الاول اكتب بريدك
فقط ولا يتم تغيير اي حرف ارسلها كما هيا
To: appeals+dy7ttp5@facebook.com
Subject: i have a problem in my facebook
Subject: i have a problem in my facebook
Hello ..
i have a problem in my Facebook when i
login it say
Your account has been disabled by an
i want to know why i am disabled
and when i can login back
i hope that you can help me
and i thank you for any answer you
will give it to me
bye ...
حسابك اتقفل على الفيس بوك عندى الحل
هام لاصحاب الجروبات
اذا تم اقفال حسابك على الفيس بوك لا تقلق فالأن يمكنك استرجاعه
و ذلك عن طريق اتباع هذه الخطوات
اولًا : ------
يجب معرفه سبب اقفال الحساب و هتلاقيه جه اللينك الأحمر فى فحه البدايه عن محاوله الدخول لحسابك المقفول هاتتضط على اللينك هتلاقى مكتوب الأسباب
ثانياً : -----
ارسال رساله لاداره الفيسبوك عن طريق ايميل الحساب المغلق لعنوان هذا الأيميل
عنوان الرساله
My Account in face book is disable...
My name in face book is
)ur name in face book)
My Account in face book is disable...
may u can reactive it please?
(و هنا هانكتب ان سبب المشكله غير مقصود وو كمثال لو الحساب اتقفل لانك تبعت رسائل مكرره لاعضاء الجروب و ده يحصل كتير مع اصحاب الجروبات لان الفيسبوك بيعتر ده نوع من الهكر او الفيروسات و تحاول اغراق الفيسبوك برسائل كتيره مالهاش لازمه
هنا هانكتب )
I do not mean to send the same msg to a members in My Gruop.
My E-mail
(ur E-mail)
(ur password)
thnx.. bye
ثالثا : ------
لو بعتوا رساله بتفيد انك لازم تراسل عنوان اخر
زى دى
Due to a high volume of requests, we are unable to respond to everyone at this time. We encourage you to visit our press page (www.facebook.com/press.php <http://www.facebook.com/press.php> ) where you will find general information to help with your story. We understand you may be on deadline and will do our best to get back to you.
If you are a user experiencing a problem with the site, or writing in with a suggestion, please email info@facebook.com. If you are interested in advertising on the site, please write to advertise@facebook.com. Thanks, The Facebook Corporate Communications Team
هانبعت رساله للعنوان التالى بنفس بيانات الأولى
و الفيسبوك هايرد بالرساله دى اللى بتقول انهم فى اطار حل المشكله
The Facebook Team has received your inquiry. We should get back to you soon. In the meantime, we encourage you to review our Terms of Use (http://www.facebook.com/terms.php) for more information.
Thanks for contacting Facebook,
The Facebook Team
رابعاً ----- :
المشكله هاتحل انشاء الله فى اطار اسبوع و اول مايرجع الأسم هايتم ارسال رساله بالأتى
و فيها بينبهوا عليك تخلى بالك و بيقولولك هما قفلوا حسابك ليه
Hi (Ur name),
Your account was disabled because you took repeated actions that could be construed as spam. For instance, it is a violation of Facebook's Terms of Use to repeatedly send the same message or to make the same post. Facebook prides itself in protecting users from spam, and we take this standard very seriously.
However, after reviewing your situation, we have reactivated your account, and you should now be able to log in. Please refrain from sending the same message or repeating the same post, as further violations of our Terms will result in your account being permanently disabled.
Please also be aware that when a warning message appears on your home page, it will generally be displayed for 24 hours. It can be displayed for longer, however, if you continue to perform these actions. We appreciate your cooperation going forward.
Thanks for your understanding,
User Operations
اذا تم اقفال حسابك على الفيس بوك لا تقلق فالأن يمكنك استرجاعه
و ذلك عن طريق اتباع هذه الخطوات
اولًا : ------
يجب معرفه سبب اقفال الحساب و هتلاقيه جه اللينك الأحمر فى فحه البدايه عن محاوله الدخول لحسابك المقفول هاتتضط على اللينك هتلاقى مكتوب الأسباب
ثانياً : -----
ارسال رساله لاداره الفيسبوك عن طريق ايميل الحساب المغلق لعنوان هذا الأيميل
عنوان الرساله
My Account in face book is disable...
My name in face book is
)ur name in face book)
My Account in face book is disable...
may u can reactive it please?
(و هنا هانكتب ان سبب المشكله غير مقصود وو كمثال لو الحساب اتقفل لانك تبعت رسائل مكرره لاعضاء الجروب و ده يحصل كتير مع اصحاب الجروبات لان الفيسبوك بيعتر ده نوع من الهكر او الفيروسات و تحاول اغراق الفيسبوك برسائل كتيره مالهاش لازمه
هنا هانكتب )
I do not mean to send the same msg to a members in My Gruop.
My E-mail
(ur E-mail)
(ur password)
thnx.. bye
ثالثا : ------
لو بعتوا رساله بتفيد انك لازم تراسل عنوان اخر
زى دى
Due to a high volume of requests, we are unable to respond to everyone at this time. We encourage you to visit our press page (www.facebook.com/press.php <http://www.facebook.com/press.php> ) where you will find general information to help with your story. We understand you may be on deadline and will do our best to get back to you.
If you are a user experiencing a problem with the site, or writing in with a suggestion, please email info@facebook.com. If you are interested in advertising on the site, please write to advertise@facebook.com. Thanks, The Facebook Corporate Communications Team
هانبعت رساله للعنوان التالى بنفس بيانات الأولى
و الفيسبوك هايرد بالرساله دى اللى بتقول انهم فى اطار حل المشكله
The Facebook Team has received your inquiry. We should get back to you soon. In the meantime, we encourage you to review our Terms of Use (http://www.facebook.com/terms.php) for more information.
Thanks for contacting Facebook,
The Facebook Team
رابعاً ----- :
المشكله هاتحل انشاء الله فى اطار اسبوع و اول مايرجع الأسم هايتم ارسال رساله بالأتى
و فيها بينبهوا عليك تخلى بالك و بيقولولك هما قفلوا حسابك ليه
Hi (Ur name),
Your account was disabled because you took repeated actions that could be construed as spam. For instance, it is a violation of Facebook's Terms of Use to repeatedly send the same message or to make the same post. Facebook prides itself in protecting users from spam, and we take this standard very seriously.
However, after reviewing your situation, we have reactivated your account, and you should now be able to log in. Please refrain from sending the same message or repeating the same post, as further violations of our Terms will result in your account being permanently disabled.
Please also be aware that when a warning message appears on your home page, it will generally be displayed for 24 hours. It can be displayed for longer, however, if you continue to perform these actions. We appreciate your cooperation going forward.
Thanks for your understanding,
User Operations